Wrapper is a free handy dandy utility to word-wrap all those text files you download from the Internet. Or at least that's what I wrote it for.
Note: tables and code examples (such as in programming FAQ's) get munched by Wrapper. Don't run Wrapper on files that include these.
What's new in 2.1:
• Newsgroup header info can be stripped automatically
To have all those "Path:", "Newsgroups:", etc. headers stripped automatically from the final wrapped document just select "Strip Headers" from the Options menu.
You can add extra headers for Wrapper to watch out for; simply add them to STR# resource 129 using a utility such as ResEdit. You can add up to 40 headers, each a maximum of 32 characters.
• Improved paragraph/blank line handling
Some strange formatting of original documents sometimes confused Wrapper. This has now been fixed.
• Fixed bug that wouldn't allow replacement of files except the source document.
• Can automatically quit after wrapping drag & dropped files.
Wrapper Instructions
You can open text documents either by using the standard menu procedure (choose "Select Source..." from the File menu) or by dragging and dropping any number of files on the application in the finder. You will then be asked to select a name for the final document. You can use the name of the original document if you wish: this will replace it with the wrapped version. If you have selected "Replace Source File" from the Options menu the file will be wrapped without asking for any destination file.
There are two options for saving files with regard to file type: The "Small/Big Method" saves files less than 32K as TeachText/SimpleText files and larger documents as Microsoft Word files. The "Source File Type" method gives the new document the same creator type as the original. Both of these options are available under the Options menu.
Extra special thanks to all those people from all over the world who wrote in with suggestions and comments.
Bug reports and comments are always welcome.
Adam Slim
(please do not include Wrapper on a commercial CD collection without contacting me first)